Nathalie Rajawasala

Diretta da Nathalie Rajawasala, la Rajawara Dance Company nasce a Milano nel settembre del 2014. Un gruppo di professioniste formato da ragazze tra loro legate dalla passione per la Bollywood dance. Si esibiscono in eventi, fiere e festival in tutta Italia, Svizzera ed anche a livello Internazionale. La Compagnia nasce con lo scopo di promuovere la splendida arte della danza proponendo spettacoli, esibizioni di intrattenimento Bollywood.

A differenza delle lezioni tenute durante i corsi annuali di danza Bollywood, le lezioni della Compagnia impongono la necessità di imparare e memorizzare in tempo reale le coreografie di danza proposte dalla Direttrice. Lavoreremo in modo creativo, partendo da sequenze di movimenti per poi completare una coreografia ricca di espressività e dinamismo, con risultati di altissimo livello. Per chi volesse far parte della Compagnia, è necessaria la certificazione medica di buona salute e la sottoscrizione del nostro regolamento. La Compagnia cerca persone serie e dedicate, appassionate della cultura indiana e della danza Bollywood, cui è richiesta la massima serietà ed impegno costante nello studio e nel memorizzare le coreografie. Le prove verranno fissate e si svolgeranno con tutto il gruppo in base agli eventi programmati. Sarai informata sulle date degli eventi e delle prove attraverso il nostro gruppo Whatsapp!

REQUISITI FONDAMENTALI per far parte della compagnia

  • età compresa tra 18 e 35 anni;
  • massima disponibilità per eventi e prove;
  • bella presenza con un aspetto naturale;
  • buona forma fisica e mantenimento della stessa;
  • capelli lunghi naturali, no colorazioni artificiali, no capelli corti, no rasta, no tatuaggi esuberanti;
  • ottima preparazione artistica con una buona base di danza classica, contemporanea, moderna, hip hop etc.;
  • altezza compresa tra 1.60 e 1,70 cm

Nathalie Rajawasala

Nathalie Rajawasala - head of the group, teacherand choreographer - brings Indian dance for the first time to Varese, and is testimonial of Indian culture, tradition and dance for important organizations such as: INCREDIBLE INDIA, AIR INDIA, Indian Chamber of Commerce for ltaly, Indian Embassy and Consulate. The dancers who are part of it are: Beatrice Rossi, Giovanna Raaja, Martina Gozzini, Diana Rusu, Angela Malyka and Mara Masiello.Beautiful - and young girls, they are all students of Nathalie Rajawasala where they still continue with the in-depth study of classical Indian dances., folk and modern. Our company is distinguished not only by beautiful engaging choreographies that include both classical, folk and modern elements but also by a spectacular set of costumes and jewels directly original from the Indian subcontinent.

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Planning a show or an event, creating new choreographies, represents our world! The aim of our work is to create and offer the public an elegant, refined and flawless show, tailored to the client's every need.


Rajawara Dance Company is looking for girls aged between 18 and 40 who ...

although they do not have a particular knowledge in this discipline, they have a solid foundation in classical or modern dance; enroll in the Level 3 course

Unlike classic dance lessons, level 3 consists of a more technical study to deepen the theatrical and choreographic aspect of dance. We will work creatively starting from sequences of movements and then complete a choreography full of expressiveness and dynamism, with results of the highest level.

To enroll in the courses, medical certification of good health and the signing of our regulations are required. We are looking for serious and dedicated people, passionate about Indian culture and Bollywood dance, who require maximum seriousness and constant commitment to study and memorize the choreographies. The dress rehearsals will be once a month with the whole group, while level 3 will take place once a week. You will be informed about events and shows through our Whatsapp group! The events and shows can be either free (for example Oriental Festival, Craft Fair, annual events of international importance for which a fee is required), or paid for (private events). Each member of the group will receive a percentage of the proceeds from each paid show. The percentage will be determined from time to time depending on the type of event. The preparation and procurement of accessories and costumes for the shows will be carried out by the manager. Of course, the utmost care is required of the clothes and jewels that will be made available to the dancers. Send us your artistic curriculum, photos and videos of your performances!

Upcoming Event

There are no upcoming events at this time.